Home NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees
class 7 english unit 5 poem trees

This article contains NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees. In addition to the summary and NCERT solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem unit 5 Trees, the Trees poem class 7 question answers from the textbook are also provided. The poem Trees is written by poet SHIRLEY BAUER. Meanwhile, this poem throws light on the importance and uses of trees. In addition to it, the poem trees give us insight and let us think about how we use trees in our day to day lives.

Read more: NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem Chapter 1 The Squirrel

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees: Introduction

Here you will learn the summary of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees. The poem likewise, throws light on the importance and uses of trees. That is to say, the poem trees give us insight and let us think about how we use trees in our day to day lives.

NCERT solutions for class 7 English unit 5 Poem Trees

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees: Stanza Wise Explanation

First four lines of the poem Trees Class 7

Trees are for birds. 

Trees are for children. 

Trees are to make tree houses in. 

Trees are to swing swings on.


NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees Stanza 1: In these lines, the poet wants to inform us about the different uses of trees. Thus, she says that trees are for birds to sit and take rest from flying or make homes, it is for children to play and take shade under it. She also says that trees are to make tree houses and swings to play around.

Next four lines of the poem Trees Class 7

Trees are for the wind to blow through. 

Trees are to hide behind in ‘Hide and Seek.’ 

Trees are to have tea parties under. 

Trees are for kites to get caught in.


NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees Stanza 2: The poet tells us the importance of trees by stating that trees let the wind blow through it so that we can enjoy looking at leaves blowing and appreciate nature’s beauty. She says, that for example, children can play ‘Hide and Seek’ behind the trees, tea parties are organized under the shade of the trees in nature. Subsequently, sometimes kites get caught in the trees. 

NCERT solution class 7 english trees
Kids playing hide and seek behind trees

Next four lines of the poem Trees Class 7

Trees are to make cool shade in summer. 

Trees are to make no shade in winter. 

Trees are for apples to grow on, and pears; 

Trees are to chop down and call, “TIMBER-R-R!”


NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees Stanza 3: The poet tells us that trees are needed to give us shade so that we can protect ourselves from the hot sun. Although shade is not required in winter, it is needed the next season, i.e. in summer.  In addition to this trees provide us with different fruits like apples and pears without asking us for anything in return. In the last line, she says that timber is very important for people, which is also provided by trees.

NCERT solutions for Class 7-English-Honeycomb Poem- Chapter 5: Trees
Timber from Trees

Last four lines of the poem Trees Class 7

Trees make mothers say, 

“What a lovely picture to paint!” 

Trees make fathers say, 

“What a lot of leaves to rake this fall !” 


NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees Stanza 4: Through these lines, the poet, firstly, wants to educate us her point of view. Meanwhile, these lines must be said by her own mother or she must have heard someone’s mother telling the second line. Maybe the mother likes to paint and do art thus the mother says, “What a lovely picture to paint!” and in the same way, she must have heard her father saying the last line. But when autumn comes and the leaves fall on the ground and the onus of cleaning falls on humans, maybe the father complains, “What a lot of leaves to rake this fall !” 

Note: Mangrove Forest

‘Mangrove’ is the name commonly used for varieties of shrubs or trees growing in the muddy swamps of tropical coasts and estuaries. Meanwhile, mangroves produce tangled roots that grow above the ground. They produce new trunks and thus rapidly form a dense growth. In addition to this Mangrove, timber is impervious to water and is resistant to marine worms.

Questions and Answers: NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees

Answer the following questions.

Question 1

What are the games or human activities which use trees, or in which trees also ‘participate’?

Ans  The games or human activities which use trees, or in which trees also ‘participate’ as in the poem are:-

  1. To make tree houses.
  2. People also use the branches to make swings.
  3. In addition to the above points, we use tress as a place to hide behind in ‘Hide and Seek.’
  4. We also use shade for tea parties, or rest during a hot summer day.

Question 2

(i) “The trees are to make no shade in winter.” What does this mean? (Contrast this line with the line immediately before it.) 

Ans. This means that the shade of the tree is not needed in winter. Subsequently, the previous line states that trees are needed for shade in summer to help us hide from the heat of the hot sun.  Although trees are not needed in winter, we need it the next season, that is in summer.

(ii) “Trees are for apples to grow on, or pears.” Do you agree that one purpose of a tree is to have fruit on it? Or do you think this line is humorous? 

Ans. No, the purpose of trees is not to provide fruits only. Trees provide us so much more and are really important for our survival. 

Yes, I think the line is humorous and a bit sad because people actually think that trees need to give us fruits and other things. For example, we only plant trees for our own benefit. Likewise, if we need fruits, we will plant a specific fruit tree. Sometimes we do not even bother to water them. We do it for our own selfishness. We do not care about the trees actually until they are endangered or extinct.

Question 3

With the help of your partner, try to rewrite some lines in the poem, or add new ones of your own as in the following examples.
Trees are for birds to build nests in.
Trees are also for people to sit under.
Now subsequently try to compose a similar poem about water or air.



Water is for fish to make their home.

It also helps people to use it for their recreation and swim.

The water is for us to drink and quench our thirst.

Water helps people to clean or wash themselves.

Above all, water is very important for life;

So let us keep our water bodies clean.

FAQs: NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees

Q1. What does the mother say by seeing trees?

Ans. The mother says, “What a lovely picture to paint!”

Q2. What does the father say by seeing trees?

Ans. The father says, “What a lot of leaves to rake this fall !”

Q3. What trees help in building and carpentry?

Ans. Timber trees for example Pine, Sal and Rosewood give us timber which help us in building and carpentry. 

Q4. What does the poet suggest people do in the shade?

Ans. Poet says that people do the below said things in the shade:-

  1. People take rest.
  2. The people also hide from the sun on a hot day.
  3. Subsequently, people have tea parties under the sun.

Conclusion: NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees

Conclusion of NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Unit 5 Poem Trees: To sum up, trees are very important for the life of all other living beings. That is to say, one can not imagine this world without trees. Trees do not expect us to give anything in return, but they always give us fruits, latex, rubber, timber, oxygen, shade and so many other things just for free. Therefore, we should be grateful to trees and use things according to our needs and not exploit much of them.

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