Home NCERT Solutions for Class 12

NCERT Solutions for Class 12

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths

  • Chapter 1 Relations and Functions
  • Chapter 2 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  • Chapter 3 Matrices
  • Chapter 4 Determinants
  • Chapter 5 Continuity and Differentiability
  • Chapter 6 Application of Derivatives
  • Chapter 7 Integrals
  • Chapter 8 Application of Integrals
  • Chapter 9 Differential Equations
  • Chapter 10 Vector Algebra
  • Chapter 11 Three Dimensional Geometry
  • Chapter 12 Linear Programming
  • Chapter 13 Probability

Class 12 Physics NCERT Solutions

  • Chapter 1 Electric Charges And Fields
  • Chapter 2 Electrostatic Potential And Capacitance
  • Chapter 3 Current Electricity
  • Chapter 4 Moving Charges And Magnetism
  • Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter
  • Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction
  • Chapter 7 Alternating Current
  • Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Waves
  • Chapter 9 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
  • Chapter 10 Wave Optics
  • Chapter 11 Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter
  • Chapter 12 Atoms
  • Chapter 13 Nuclei
  • Chapter 14 Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices And Simple Circuits
  • Chapter 15 Communication Systems

Class 12 Chemistry NCERT Solutions

  • Chapter 1 The Solid State
  • Chapter 2 Solutions
  • Chapter 3 Electro chemistry
  • Chapter 4 Chemical Kinetics
  • Chapter 5 Surface Chemistry
  • Chapter 6 General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
  • Chapter 7 The p Block Elements
  • Chapter 8 The d and f Block Elements
  • Chapter 9 Coordination Compounds
  • Chapter 10 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
  • Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols and Ethers
  • Chapter 12 Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
  • Chapter 13 Amines
  • Chapter 14 Biomolecules
  • Chapter 15 Polymers
  • Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday Life

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology

  • Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms
  • Chapter 2 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
  • Chapter 3 Human Reproduction
  • Chapter 4 Reproductive Health
  • Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation
  • Chapter 6 Molecular Basis of Inheritance
  • Chapter 7 Evolution
  • Chapter 8 Human Health and Disease
  • Chapter 9 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
  • Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare
  • Chapter 11 Biotechnology:Principles And Processes
  • Chapter 12 Biotechnology and its Applications
  • Chapter 13 Organisms and Populations
  • Chapter 14 Ecosystem
  • Chapter 15 Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Chapter 16 Environmental Issues

Class 12 English NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Flamingo

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Flamingo Prose

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Flamingo Poetry (Poems

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Vistas

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Core

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh आरोह भाग 2

खंड-ग : पाठ्यपुस्तक एवं पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक
आरोह, भाग 2

(अ) काव्य भाग

  • Chapter 1 आत्म-परिचय, एक गीत
  • Chapter 2 पतंग
  • Chapter 3 कविता के बहाने, बात सीधी थी पर
  • Chapter 4 कैमरे में बंद अपाहिज
  • Chapter 5 सहर्ष स्वीकारा है
  • Chapter 6 उषा
  • Chapter 7 बादल राग
  • Chapter 8 कवितावली (उत्तर कांड से), लक्ष्मण-मूच्छ और राम का विलाप
  • Chapter 9 रुबाइयाँ, गज़ल
  • Chapter 10 छोटा मेरा खेत, बगुलों के पंख

(ब) गद्य भाग

  • Chapter 11 भक्तिन
  • Chapter 12 बाजार दर्शन
  • Chapter 13 काले मेघा पानी दे
  • Chapter 14 पहलवान की ढोलक
  • Chapter 15 चार्ली चैप्लिन यानी हम सब
  • Chapter 16 नमक
  • Chapter 17 शिरीष के फूल
  • Chapter 18 श्रम-विभाजन और जाति-प्रथा, मेरी कल्पना का आदर्श समाज

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Vitan वितान भाग 2

वितान, भाग 2
(पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक)

  • Chapter 1 सिल्वर वैडिंग
  • Chapter 2 जूझ
  • Chapter 3 अतीत में दबे पाँव
  • Chapter 4 डायरी के पन्ने

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sanskrit Bhaswati

भास्वती भाग 2 |

  • Chapter 1 अनुशासनम्
  • Chapter 2 न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि
  • Chapter 3 मातुराञा गरीयसी
  • Chapter 4 प्रजानुरज्जको नृपः
  • Chapter 5 दौवारिकस्य निष्ठा
  • Chapter 6 सूक्ति-सौरभम्
  • Chapter 7 नैकेनापि समं गता वसुमती
  • Chapter 8 हल्दीघाटी
  • Chapter 9 मदालसा
  • Chapter 10 प्रतीक्शा
  • Chapter 11 कार्याकार्यव्यवस्थितिः
  • Chapter 12 विद्धास्थानानि

खण्डः क

  • अपठितांशावबोधनम्

खण्डः ख – संस्कृतेन रचनात्मकं लिखितकार्यम्

  • पत्र-लेखनम् (अनौपचारिकं पत्रम्/प्रार्थनापत्रम्)
  • लघुकथा-लेखनम् (शब्दसूचीसाहाय्येन, रिक्तस्थानपूर्ति-माध्यमेन)
  • सङ्केताधारितम् अनुच्छेदलेखनम्

खण्डः ग

  • सन्धि-प्रकरण
  • समास-प्रकरण
  • प्रकृति-प्रत्यय-विभाग
  • अन्विति-प्रकरण
  • उपपदविभक्ति प्रयोग

खण्डः घ
भाग I – पठितांश-अवबोधनम्

  • Chapter 1 उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत (उठो, जागो)
  • Chapter 2 सूर्यः एव प्रकृतेः आधारः (सूर्य ही पृथ्वी का आधार है)
  • Chapter 3 राष्ट्रचिन्ता गरीयसी (राष्ट्र की चिन्ता अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है)
  • Chapter 4 दूरदृष्टिः फलप्रदा (दूरदृष्टि अच्छे परिणाम देती है)
  • Chapter 5 अहो! राजते कीदृशीयं हिमानी (अहा! कैसी सुशोभित है यह हिम-घाटी)
  • Chapter 6 सुधामुचः वाचः (अमृत बरसाने वाले वचन)
  • Chapter 7 दारिद्र्ये दुर्लभं सत्त्वम् (दरिद्रता में मनोबल का होना दुर्लभ है)
  • Chapter 8 आश्चर्यमयं विज्ञानजगत् (आश्चर्यों से भरा है विज्ञान का यह संसार)

भाग II – सामान्यः संस्कृतसाहित्यपरिचयः

  • पाठ्यपुस्तके संकलितपाठ्यांशानाम् कवीनां कृतीनां संस्कृतेन परिचयः
    • लेखकानां देश-काल-ग्रन्थाणाम्
    • कवि/लेखक परिचयः
  • संस्कृते गद्य-पद्य-नाटकादिविधानां मुख्य

12th Class History NCERT Solutions

  • Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappan Civilization
  • Chapter 2 Kings, Farmers and Towns Early States and Economies
  • Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies
  • Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Cultural Developments
  • Chapter 5 Through the Eyes of Travelers Perceptions of Society
  • Chapter 6 Bhakti-Sufi Traditions Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts
  • Chapter 7  An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagar
  • Chapter 8 Peasants, Zamindars and the State Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire
  • Chapter 9 Kings and Chronicles The Mughal Courts
  • Chapter 10 Colonialism and the Countryside: Exploring Official Archives
  • Chapter 11 Rebels and the Raj The Revolt of 1857 and its Representations
  • Chapter 12 Colonial Cities Urbanization, Planning and Architecture
  • Chapter 13 Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond
  • Chapter 14 Understanding Partition Politics, Memories, Experiences
  • Chapter 15 Framing the Constitution The Beginning of a New Era

12th Class Geography NCERT Solutions

Class 12 Geography NCERT Solutions: Fundamentals of Human Geography

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Geography: Fundamentals of Human Geography

  • Chapter 1 Human Geography (Nature and Scope)
  • Chapter 2 The World Population (Distribution, Density and Growth)
  • Chapter 3 Population Composition
  • Chapter 4 Human Development
  • Chapter 5 Primary Activities
  • Chapter 6 Secondary Activities
  • Chapter 7 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
  • Chapter 8 Transport and Communication
  • Chapter 9 International Trade
  • Chapter 10 Human Settlements

Class 12 Geography NCERT Solutions: India People and Economy

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Geography: India People and Economy

  • Chapter 1 Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition
  • Chapter 2 Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences
  • Chapter 3 Human Development
  • Chapter 4 Human Settlements
  • Chapter 5 Land Resources and Agriculture
  • Chapter 6 Water Resources
  • Chapter 7 Mineral and Energy Resources
  • Chapter 8 Manufacturing Industries
  • Chapter 9 Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
  • Chapter 10 Transport And Communication
  • Chapter 11 International Trade
  • Chapter 12 Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems

Practical Work in Geography Class 12 Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Geography: Practical Work in Geography

  • Chapter 1 Data – Its Source and Compilation
  • Chapter 2 Data Processing
  • Chapter 3 Graphical Representation of Data
  • Chapter 4 Use of Computer in Data Processing and Mapping
  • Chapter 5 Field Surveys
  • Chapter 6 Spatial Information Technology

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Economics

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Micro Economics

  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Economics
  • Chapter 2 Consumer Equilibrium
  • Chapter 3 Demand
  • Chapter 4 Elasticity of Demand
  • Chapter 5 Production
  • Chapter 6 Cost
  • Chapter 7 Supply
  • Chapter 8 Revenue
  • Chapter 9 Producer Equilibrium
  • Chapter 10 Perfect Competition
  • Chapter 11 Non-Competitive Market
  • Chapter 12 Market Equilibrium with Simple Applications

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Macro Economics

  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Macroeconomics and its Concepts
  • Chapter 2 National Income and Related Aggregates
  • Chapter 3 Money
  • Chapter 4 Banking
  • Chapter 5 Aggregate Demand and Its Related Concepts
  • Chapter 6 National Income Determination and Multiplier
  • Chapter 7 Excess Demand and Deficient Demand
  • Chapter 8 Government Budget and the Economy
  • Chapter 9 Foreign Exchange Rate
  • Chapter 10 Balance of Payment

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science

  • Chapter 1 The Cold War Era
  • Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity
  • Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics
  • Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power
  • Chapter 5 Contemporary South Asia
  • Chapter 6 International Organisations
  • Chapter 7 Security in the Contemporary World
  • Chapter 8 Environment and Natural Resources
  • Chapter 9 Globalisation

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science : Politics In India Since Independence

  • Chapter 1 Challenges of Nation Building
  • Chapter 2 Era of One Party Dominance
  • Chapter 3 Politics of Planned Development
  • Chapter 4 India’s External Relations
  • Chapter 5 Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System
  • Chapter 6 The Crisis of Democratic Order
  • Chapter 7 Rise of Popular Movements
  • Chapter 8 Regional Aspirations
  • Chapter 9 Recent Developments in Indian Politics

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies Part 1 Principles and Functions of Management

  • Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management
  • Chapter 2 Principles of Management
  • Chapter 3 Business Environment
  • Chapter 4 Planning
  • Chapter 5 Organising
  • Chapter 6 Staffing
  • Chapter 7 Directing
  • Chapter 8 Controlling

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies Part 2 Business Finance and Marketing

  • Chapter 9 Financial Management
  • Chapter 10 Financial Market
  • Chapter 11 Marketing
  • Chapter 12 Consumer Protection

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy Part 1 Partnership Accounts

  • Chapter 1 Accounting for Partnership : Basic Concepts
  • Chapter 2 Accounting for Not for Profit Organisation
  • Chapter 3 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Admission of a Partner
  • Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Retirement/Death of a Partner
  • Chapter 5 Dissolution of Partnership Firm

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy Part 2 Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements

  • Chapter 1 Accounting for Share Capital
  • Chapter 2 Issue and Redemption of Debentures
  • Chapter 3 Financial Statements of a Company
  • Chapter 4 Analysis of Financial Statements
  • Chapter 5 Accounting Ratios
  • Chapter 6 Cash Flow Statement

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sociology: Indian Society

  • Chapter 1 Introducing Indian Society
  • Chapter 2 The Demographic Structure of the Indian Society
  • Chapter 3 Social Institutions: Continuity and Change
  • Chapter 4 The Market as a Social Institution
  • Chapter 5 Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion
  • Chapter 6 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sociology: Social Change and Development in India

  • Chapter 1 Structural Change
  • Chapter 2 Cultural Change
  • Chapter 3 The Story of Indian Democracy
  • Chapter 4 Change and Development in Rural Society
  • Chapter 5 Change and Development in Industrial Society
  • Chapter 6 Globalisation and Social Change
  • Chapter 7 Mass Media and Communications
  • Chapter 8 Social Movements

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sociology

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sociology: Indian Society

  • Chapter 1 Introducing Indian Society
  • Chapter 2 The Demographic Structure of the Indian Society
  • Chapter 3 Social Institutions: Continuity and Change
  • Chapter 4 The Market as a Social Institution
  • Chapter 5 Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion
  • Chapter 6 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sociology: Social Change and Development in India

  • Chapter 1 Structural Change
  • Chapter 2 Cultural Change
  • Chapter 3 The Story of Indian Democracy
  • Chapter 4 Change and Development in Rural Society
  • Chapter 5 Change and Development in Industrial Society
  • Chapter 6 Globalisation and Social Change
  • Chapter 7 Mass Media and Communications
  • Chapter 8 Social Movements

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Psychology

  • Chapter 1 Intelligence And Aptitude
  • Chapter 2 Self And Personality
  • Chapter 3 Human Strengths And Meeting Life Challenges
  • Chapter 4 Psychological Disorders
  • Chapter 5 Therapeutic Approaches And Counselling
  • Chapter 6 Attitude And Social Cognition
  • Chapter 7 Social Influence And Group Processes
  • Chapter 8 Psychology And Life
  • Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Entrepreneurship

  • Chapter 1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity
  • Chapter 2 Entrepreneurial Planning
  • Chapter 3 Enterprise Marketing
  • Chapter 4 Enterprise Growth Strategies
  • Chapter 5 Business Arithmetic
  • Chapter 6 Resource Mobilization

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Computer Science (C++)


  • Chapter 1 C++ Revision Tour
  • Chapter 2 Object Oriented Programming in C++
  • Chapter 3 Implementation of OOP Concepts in C++
  • Chapter 4 Constructor and Destructor
  • Chapter 5 Inheritance
  • Chapter 6 Data File Handling
  • Chapter 7 Pointers


  • Chapter 8 Arrays
  • Chapter 9 Stack
  • Chapter 10 Queue


  • Chapter 11 Database Concepts
  • Chapter 12 Structured Query Language


  • Chapter 13 Boolean Algebra


  • Chapter 14 Networking and Open Source Concepts

Class 12 Computer Science (Python)


  • Chapter 1 Review of Python
  • Chapter 2 Object Oriented Programming Concepts


  • Chapter 3 Lists Manipulation and Implementation
  • Chapter 4 Data File Handling
  • Chapter 5 Exception Handling & Generator Function


  • Chapter 6 Database Concepts
  • Chapter 7 Structured Query Language


  • Chapter 8 Boolean Algebra


  • Chapter 9 Networking and Open Source Concepts