Poverty Essay For Students and Children

poverty essay for children

Poverty essay For children – Poverty is a controversial issue all around the world that is being overlooked by and not taken seriously. Poverty affects people who have low income, are unemployed, and people who lives in areas that are not supported by the government. In this post there are examples of the best essays on this topic.

poverty essay
Poverty essay in English

Poverty Essay Introduction

A individual or family is said to be in poverty if they don’t have enough money to maintain even the most basic of living standards. Due to their little income, the poor are unable to purchase basic necessities including housing, healthcare, and education. Therefore, poverty can be defined as a lack of resources or, more broadly, as obstacles to basic human needs. In this article, students will learn the definition of poverty, the main reasons of poverty, and the steps being taken in India to eradicate poverty. Therefore, students should carefully read this poverty essay to gain insight into how to produce strong essays and achieve academic success.

Example 1 : Poverty Essay

Poverty is a situation where an individual lacks the means to purchase basic necessities of life. These can include food, water, clothes, and shelter. Moreover, these individuals may not be able to afford even a single square meal a day. They make do with whatever they can find on the street – such as salvaging old food from the trash, sleeping on park benches or roadsides and wear raggedy old clothes.

Poverty and Its Causes

Poverty is primarily caused by the unequal distribution of wealth in a country. Furthermore, unemployment and an increase in the urban population can drastically increase the rate of the country’s population. To aggravate the condition, the jobs that these individuals work pay woefully low wages. This is because these individuals do not possess the required qualifications or are not employable.

A 2012 survey revealed that an estimated 276 million individuals are under the poverty line in India. The same survey also revealed that more people hovering just above the poverty line. Corruption is one of the biggest factors contributing to poverty followed by illiteracy.

How to reduce poverty

One of the most effective ways of reducing poverty, at least for future generations is by providing access to education. This ensures that the individuals are skilled and qualified enough to secure a well-paying job. Furthermore, family planning must also be taken into consideration due to the fact that the rising population contributes to poverty.

In conclusion, poverty is not a problem can be solved overnight, however, implementing these solutions over the course of a decade or two will help to alleviate the problem.

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Example 2 : Poverty Essay

Poverty has been a societal problem since times immemorial. It is a situation where an individual is unable to purchase basic necessities such as food, clothes, and shelter. Moreover, these individuals sustain themselves on a single meal a day since they can’t afford more. They may engage in begging since they cannot earn money any other way. Sometimes, these individuals may scavenge rotten food from a dumpster near a hotel or a restaurant just to satisfy their hunger. They may sleep on the pavement or park benches on clear nights. On rainy days, they may sleep under bridges or any other indoor shelters.

Causes of poverty

There are a lot of socio-economic variables that influence poverty. First and foremost is the unequal distribution of wealth. This is compounded by corruption and the ever-increasing population of the country. The next influential factor that causes poverty is illiteracy and unemployment. These two factors go hand-in-hand because, without proper education, unemployment is sure to follow. Most of the people under the poverty line have no marketable or employable skills required by the industries. In case these individuals do find a job, most of these pay extremely low wages, which is insufficient to support oneself or lead a family.

Effects of Poverty

When individuals are unable to afford basic necessities for life, other undesired consequences follow. For instance, health care becomes impossible to afford. This means the individual is at an increased risk of diseases and infections. Sometimes, these individuals also resort to unfair means to obtain money – such as robbery, murder, assault, and rape.

Solutions to End Poverty

Poverty is not a problem that can be resolved over a week or a year. It requires careful planning from the government to implement relevant policies that cater to the population falling below the poverty line. Another important factor affecting poverty is illiteracy and unemployment.

This issue can be tackled with one solution – i.e., to provide education and financial support. Access to education, especially providing means to pursue higher education increases the employability of individuals. This directly helps to alleviate poverty as the individual can start earning. Therefore, one of the most effective tools to combat poverty is education.

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Poverty essay in English

Example 3 : Poverty Essay

The worst enemy of civilisation, society and environment is poverty. Wealth is the blanket we wear and poverty is to have that blanket taken away. Poverty means that opportunities and choices most basic to human development are denied and, hence, it means hunger, malnutri­tion, deprivation, discrimination, etc. It is primarily the task of the government of any country to eradicate poverty. In fact, human deprivation, inequality and poverty are interrelated in the society.

Effect of economic development

The measures of economic development and social sector reforms adopted in the less developed countries like India are expected to eradicate poverty and also to reduce economic inequalities and human deprivation. However, one cannot expect complete elimination of inequalities and human deprivation in a country. But it is quite reasonable to expect complete elimination of poverty.

Meaning of ‘poor’

However, it is difficult to identify a ‘poor’ person in absolute terms as the identification of a poor as well as the definition of a national poverty line varies among countries. A person being identified as a ‘poor’ in developed country may not necessarily be identified as a ‘poor’ in a less developed country. Generally, we identify a person to be poor if his income is too low to enable him to maintain at least a subsistence level of living, i.e., to attain a minimum calorie intake of food.

In a wider sense, a person unable to meet the basic needs of nutrition, clothing, shelter, education, etc. is identified as a ‘poor’. In a relative sense, however, the nature and magnitude of poverty always vary among countries.

How to eradicate poverty

The different approaches towards measurement of poverty all indicate different estimates of poverty within the same country, say, within India. The World Bank has introduced a measure of ‘absolute poverty’ through the introduction of ‘international poverty line’.

The problem of poverty in India is acute and its magnitude is reducing at a very slow rate. It is, therefore, necessary to examine its causes and magnitude as revealed from different estimates along with a review of measures adopted for its eradication in India during the Plan Period (1951 to date).

Conclusion : Poverty Essay

Poverty essay For children – In India, most of the people who are suffering from poverty cannot afford to pay for a single meal a day. Also, they sleep on the roadside; wear dirty old clothes. In addition, they do not get proper healthy and nutritious food, neither medicine nor any other necessary thing. This has been illustrated through the best examples given above. We hope you liked this poverty essay in English for students and children.

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